Celebrating 100 Years!

Kenilworth Historical Society is celebrating 100 years of its mission to keep a history of the people and events of the village of Kenilworth, Illinois, to collect and preserve such material concerning the history of Kenilworth as may be of value to the people of the village and to disseminate historical information.
The first meeting was held on October 30, 1922 at the residence of Mrs. Helen Sears. Eighty-six Kenilworth residents were in attendance at the first meeting where presentations were given by both Helen Sears and Dr. Charles Smith, first secretary of the Kenilworth Company.
Over the next year the Kenilworth Historical Society will be hosting community events, sharing information from the History and Development of Kenilworth exhibit and much more! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube for upcoming details.
We would be happy to welcome new members, volunteers and board members. If you are interested in being part of the Kenilworth Historical Society, give us a call or email us.