Download Kenilworth History Crossword Puzzle

The crossword puzzle on Kenilworth’s history can be solved by exploring our new website. Download, print and enjoy.
The village of Kenilworth has a rich history and our new website is a great place to start learning more about your village and your community’s history. Did you know that Kenilworth has the largest collection of buildings by George W. Maher, a contemporary of Frank Lloyd Wright? Maher lived in Kenilworth and designed over 40 buildings and features between 1893 and 1926, most notably the Assembly Hall. He also fashioned the limestone pillars that mark the Sheridan Road entrances to the village and the town’s central fountain.
The Kenilworth Historical Society was founded through community action and continues to serve Kenilworth through the active support of community members. Our mission is supported everyday by volunteers and board members who help in the operation of KHS. We would not be here if it were not for the support of donors who contribute not only time, talent and financial support, but the objects which we preserve and care for in our collection. Contact the Kenilworth Historical Society to learn more about how you can help support the organization.
Download the Crossword as a PDF.
(HINT: the answers can be found on our website!)
(Answer sheet for when you are finished)
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