Explore our NEW online exhibit!

The KHS is expanding the reach of the museum exhibits by adding more online content.
Our first online exhibit is a companion site to the 100 Years of Scouting museum exhibit from May – November 2019. This museum exhibit was made in collaboration with Kenilworth’s Troop 13 Scouts to commemorate their 100th anniversary in 2019. The new online exhibit explores the three different eras that defined Troop 13 throughout its long and rich history from 1919 to the present. Prior to the establishment of the Boy Scouts, there was the Kenilworth Cadets, which similarly acted as an organization for boys to learn skills like camping and self-discipline, but also military drills.
The Boy Scouts, or Scouting, officially began in 1908 in England after the publication of Robert Baden-Powell’s book, Scouting for Boys. Baden-Powell wrote this book as a nonmilitary field manual for a younger audience that also emphasized the importance of morality and good deeds. William Boyce, a Chicago publisher, brought this idea of Scouting back to the U.S. after a Boy Scout came to his aid when he was lost in a London fog. The Scout refused any sort of payment for doing a good deed. The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was officially incorporated in 1910.
Explore our NEW online exhibit that gives new life and updates to our past museum exhibit, 100 Years of Scouting in Kenilworth.