Plein Air Painting in Kenilworth

Above image is a water color painting of the Kenilworth Assembly Hall. The artists will be facing the hall, but they may choose to paint a different view. Below is a photo of said hall.

KENILWORTH – The Kenilworth Historical Society and the North Shore Art League are hosting a Plein Air event in Kenilworth.

On Saturday, September 16 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Kenilworth Historical Society and North Shore Art League will be hosting a plein air painting event in the Village of Kenilworth. Plein air painting is about leaving the four walls of a studio behind and experiencing painting and drawing in the landscape. The beautiful buildings and streets of the Village will give artists many choices for creating their artworks. The front lawn of the Kenilworth Historical Society will be the meeting spot – tables and chairs will be available to all who register for this fun, one-day event.

Read more at the Daily North Shore article.